Co-curricular - Junior Sport

This weekend will be the penultimate round of Winter sport for the Junior School. Our last round will be held on Saturday 5 August. I would encourage all our boys to keep training hard and to finish the season on a strong note. If we are all putting into practice what we have learnt over the season into the last remaining games, we can finish on a positive note win, lose, or draw. Best of luck to all teams playing this weekend.
After last term’s Athletics Carnival, the squad for 2023 has been announced. Hopefully, those boys selected have come home and spread the good news. Congratulations to all those selected.
Some advance notice: all athletics training will occur in the mornings before school starts, beginning at 7:30 AM and concluding in time for boys to change and be prepared for the learning day.
The athletics season is short and sweet with two Saturday carnivals and two midweek carnivals. Details will be released to the boys involved shortly. I look forward to an exciting season.
Regarding athletics, Charlie Ackland of Year 6 represented NSWCIS at the NSW All Schools Cross Country Championships last Friday 21 July. On a very gruelling 3KM course out at Sydney Motorsport Park, the competition was strong; all the boys running three-minute kilometres, a very quick pace. Charlie completed the course in 21st place out of 75 competitors. A very accomplished effort for a first time experience. The NSWCIS team all ran well and saw them finish second over all in the teams competition. Congratulations to Charlie on his excellent effort and for his strong contribution to the team’s silver medal.
The Junior School will have its Summer and Winter sport photos in early September. I will give more information closer to the date, however the playing uniform and College tracksuit for squads will need to be worn in these photos. Cultural or non-sporting Co-curricular photos will take place in early August. Boys are required to wear their College Winter uniform for these photos.
With the end of the Winter season comes a well earnt break for many of our boys. The Summer season is not too far away and will recommence in Term 4. It is a good idea for all boys playing Summer sports to try on their playing uniforms now to make sure they fit. Boys have a tendency to grow a lot over winter, so it is a good idea to make sure new pieces of uniform are not required.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy week ahead.
John Locke
Junior School Coordinator of Co-Curricular