
Student Leadership Procedures - Term 3
“At the heart of leadership is the desire to serve and a dedication to helping others become great” (Gifford Thomas, founder of Leadership First)
There are many opportunities for leadership as service in our beautiful College, and no better examples of leaders who serve their community as Jesus did than our current Student Representative Council (SRC). The SRC consists of the senior Student Leadership Team, the Year Ambassadors, and the Junior School Leaders. Each member has played a vital role in representing student voices and advocating for the needs of their peers.
Although these leaders will continue to serve our community until the end of the term, it is now time to initiate procedures to select a new team of willing and committed leaders. Of course, students do not need a badge or a title to lead amongst their peers, and the teachers witness many students who demonstrate leadership on a day-to-day basis. However, the formal leadership process provides an opportunity for students to have a clear voice within the College, developing their interpersonal skills including communication, relationship building, decision-making and time management.
During the first weeks of term, students in Years 7 – 10 will have the opportunity to self-nominate for the role as Year Ambassador. The Year Ambassador role offers great opportunities and some exciting challenges to the successful candidates. Four students from each year group will be selected to work closely with their respective Year Coordinator, Year Prefect, and other members of the College Leadership Team. Students interested in the role should discuss their nomination with their families and reach out to their Year Coordinator or myself if they have any questions.
Similarly, the Class of 2024, will embark on the Student Leadership Recommendation process. As the upcoming Year 12 class and future Black Tie Leaders, these students will engage in several significant events this term, aiming to guide them through this important journey. At St Patrick’s College, all Year 12 students are considered leaders, and thus there is a strong focus on leading from within and by example.
Starting this week, the students interested in a specific role on the Student Leadership Team are invited to self-nominate for captaincy or a student prefect portfolio. We encourage interested students to read all relevant information provided and discuss their aspirations with their families and relevant staff to ensure they are on the right path.
In Week 5, all of Year 11 will participate in a Leadership Day. On this day the College invites guest speakers to share their personal experiences and perspectives on leadership. This year we are delighted to have invited Professor Ken Harrison, an anesthetist and trauma specialist at Westmead Hospital with extensive experience in medical leadership and education. He has led multidisciplinary trauma teams in acute, operating theatre and ward situations for over 25 years and has been an elder in his church for over 30 years. The students will also hear from various speakers including the current Student Leadership Team, younger student leaders and Dr. Lavorato. Shortly after this event, the Year 11 cohort will thoughtfully put forward their recommendations for their peers whom they trust to take up leadership positions at the College.
We look forward to welcoming a new team of passionate leaders who will carry on the student leadership legacy and continue making a positive impact on our College community.
Please see below for some key dates relating to student leadership in Term 3:
Year 7 | |
31 July | Nomination forms due |
22 August | Nominees present speech at Year 7 PCP |
23 August | Student recommendations made (online in homeroom) |
5 September | Year Ambassadors for 2023/24 presented at Year 7 PCP |
Year 8 | |
28 July | Nomination forms due |
15 August | Nominees present speech at Year 8 PCP |
16 August | Student recommendations made (online in homeroom) |
29 August | Year Ambassadors for 2023/24 presented at Year 8 PCP |
Year 9 | |
31 July | Nomination forms due |
23 August | Nominees present speech at Year 9 PCP |
24 August | Student recommendations made (online in homeroom) |
6 September | Year Ambassadors for 2023/24 presented at Year 9 PCP |
Year 10 | |
28 July | Nomination forms due |
16 August | Nominees present speech a Year 10 PCP |
17 August | Student recommendations made (online in homeroom) |
30 August | Year Ambassadors for 2023/24 presented at Year 10 PCP |
Year 11 | |
27 July | Student Leadership Team Nomination forms and portfolio descriptions released |
14 August | Year 11 Leadership Day |
18 August | Student Leadership Team Nomination forms due |
24 August | Student Leadership Recommendation Liturgy (Chapel) |
15 September | Student Leadership Investiture Assembly (Gym)* |
*Please note this change of date in 2023 College Calendar
Romina Fisicaro
Acting Student Wellbeing Coordinator