Parents and Friends

Thank you!
A very big thank you to everyone who came and helped at Supporters’ Day last weekend. The success of the day was built on the help of our volunteers. I cannot stipulate this enough - as a committee we rely on volunteers to help. We were so blessed to have been inundated with help from parents/carers from year groups 5 and 11.
Being able to use the new Scientia Building cafeteria for the first time was very exciting. Lina Bartorilla took advantage of the new kitchen and wonderful facilities and made her delicious pasta napolitana which proved to be very popular on the day. Another big thank you to Lina.
Using the new cafeteria also allowed the community to see just how lucky our boys are to have the new building now fully operational.
We must take this opportunity to also thank parents Joe and Bianca Bova from Eastwood Village Superfresh Fruit Shop for their generosity. Joe and Bianca donated all the fresh produce and pasta to the committee which in turn was used to create Lina’s delicious sauce. THANK YOU!
Further to the new facilities in the Scientia cafeteria, particular mention must be made of the new fancy coffee machine that the school recently purchased. We made record coffee sales on the weekend. Thank you to Mr Arno Feige who commenced coffee making at the early hour of 7:00 AM on Saturday. A big thank you also to Peta Demery and Lynette Trainor who carried on with barista duties until late in the afternoon. The dynamic duo come every Supporters’ Day and remain all day making coffee for our supportive community.
We hope to see you all again at ‘Back to Breen’ Supporters’ Day which will be held on Saturday 19 August. A link to register and volunteer will be available next week. Be sure to sign up!
Trivia Night
Trivia Night ticket sales are moving thick and fast. So don’t miss out, as tickets are now limited. Apart from getting together to enjoy good company and trivia, the Trivia Night will also act as the P&F’s major fundraiser for 2023. All money raised on the night will assist in providing support for College initiatives.
As Trivia night is our major fundraiser, we do need help with prizes.
Please note, all donations can be delivered to College Reception. If you are donating alcohol, students will not be allowed to deliver them to the school. Alcohol must be delivered by an adult. Alternate arrangements can be made by contacting: Nerida Shipley on 0417 448 618 or Dione Fague 0404 073 068.
Thank you to everyone who have already donated to the event. It is greatly appreciated.
Parents' and Friends' Committee