
Winter Sleepout
It was wonderful to see over 100 boys from Years 5 through to 12, participate in our Winter Sleepout last Friday night.
A Vinnies School Sleepout is a movement that provides a unique insight into the complex issues that homelessness and disadvantaged people in NSW face each day, by asking students to “sleep rough” at their school for just one night.
Schools and students have the voice and the power to influence community awareness and opinions on this rising crisis. Participating in a Vinnies School Sleepout encourages our students and staff to gain a deeper understanding of homelessness while raising funds and awareness for this vital cause.
Pope Francis condemned the world’s indifference toward poor and homeless people in a homily in November 2022.
He reminds us:
“….the poor pay the heaviest price in any crisis. Yet if our heart is deadened and indifferent, we cannot hear their faint cry of pain, we cannot cry with them and for them, we cannot see how much loneliness and anguish also lie hidden in the forgotten corners of our cities. We have to go the corners of the cities, for in these hidden and dark corners we see great misery and pain and abject poverty.”
We are urged to take action:
“….let us seize opportunities to bear witness to the Gospel of joy and to build a fraternal world, or at least a bit more fraternal. Let us commit ourselves courageously to justice, the rule of law and peace, and stand always at the side of the weakest. Let us not step back to protect ourselves from history, but strive to give this moment of history, which we are experiencing, a different face.” (St Peter's Basilica, 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, 13 November 2022)
Prayer for the Homeless, Poor, and Hungry Heavenly Father, we thank you because Your Word says that because You love us, You gave your only begotten Son to die for us. So, we thank you that Your love extends to every ethnic group, all genders, races, colours, and socio-economic classifications. Right now, we offer this prayer for the homeless, poor and hungry. We pray that you will bless all men, women, and children without shelter across the globe. Also, we pray for divine covering and blessing upon the homeless, poor, and hungry who have no one to take them in. We pray that Your Holy Spirit will flood them with warmth, security, protection, and strength in Jesus’ Name. And we declare Psalm 46 that you shall be their “refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” We pray that they shall not fear even though the mountains may feel like shaking; the Lord of Hosts shall be with them because the God of Jacob is their refuge. We commit this prayer to You, in Jesus’ Name. Amen! |
In Memoriam
It is with sadness that I share the news of the passing of the College’s former Receptionist, Marion McCormack who passed away in Adelaide last Saturday following a battle with cancer. Marion served the College for 22 years, beginning her employment in 1993 and retiring in 2015. She was a formidable character with a wicked sense of humour. Many in our community will remember her. We keep her family in our prayers.
We pray for Old Boy Dean Mascarello ('08), who sadly passed away this week. We keep his family and friends in our prayers at this very difficult time.
We also keep in our prayers Mrs Jessica Perri (Mathematics Teacher) and her family on the recent passing of her uncle.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls, and the souls of all the faithfully departed, rest in eternal peace. Amen. |
Dr Vittoria Lavorato
SPC boys can do anything!
**except divide by zero