Student Voice

Every Friday, the students in 3/4 take part in an activity called Free Write Friday. This is a writing lesson where the students get to let their creative juices flow by writing a story based on a picture prompt. What I love about this activity is that you get so many wonderful ideas turned into really interesting stories.


Ollie and Giovanni would like to share with you what they like about Free Write Friday.


I like writing stories in Free Write Friday because I get to use my imagination and tell my own stories in my own words and from my own perspective. I was very proud of a story I wrote recently about a robber who did a bank heist. One of the things I like to do in my stories is name a character after one of my friends.

Ollie, Year 3


I like Free Write Friday because I get to be creative and show off my hard work. I also like that I get to make my own story and write about what I want to write about. Mr. Brophy lets us write about anything we want. I like to give my own perspective and write about my favourite things.

Giovanni, Year 3