Upcoming Events

 Athletics Carnival

1500m Race

We have rescheduled the 1500m race to the 26th July Wednesday morning at 8:00am. Please note that we will start first with the Seniors (12-13 year olds), followed by the 11 year olds and finally the Juniors (8-10 year olds). Jacinta has allowed the students in Junior Band to attend the 1500m race on the premise that they attend the first half of practice (due to it being the last rehearsal before Education Week). 


Discus Throw

If your child competes in the Discus Throw at Little Athletics, please forward on an official record of their throwing distance to the school only if the distance exceeds 18m. The sports coordinators will nominate your child for zone if the qualifying distance of 18m is met.


Parent Helpers

An email regarding parent helpers on the day of the Athletics Carnival will be sent out by the end of this week. Please note that even if the availabilities are full, you are still able to attend the carnival and spectate. 

School Photos

School photos will take place on Thursday, 24 August 2023.  Advanced Life photo ordering envelopes will be coming home today. Please read carefully for online ordering. 

Students can collect sibling photo envelopes from the office as needed. Please place order before photo day on 24 August.

School Calendar

25 July: Year 5 debate

26 July: Kindergarten 100 days of school celebration

26 July: Year 6 debate

27 July: OC placement test

28 July: P&C Disco

31 July: Education Week

1 Aug: Athletics Carnival

3 Aug: Kindergarten Calmsley Farm excursion
