Student of the Week Awards

Presented 21/7/23

Mila L. - 1/2B

This award goes to Mila for her fantastic effort in her literacy. Mila has been working hard to use different strategies to decode words and has made amazing growth in her reading. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed Mila, well done!

Jhett M. - 1/2C

This award goes to Jhett for the fantastic start he has made to Term 3! Jhett has shown Acceptance by helping a new student in the class. He has also been making an effort to look after his own belongings and has been respectfully sharing his ideas with others during class time. Amazing work Jhett! Keep showing the HEART values! 

Hudson W. - 1/2R

Congratulations Hudson for a fantastic start at Scoresby PS. It’s been a pleasure to watch you settle in and make new friends. You are a valued member of 1/2R and we welcome you! Well done Hudson!

Jesssica D.  - 3/4B

In Year 3/4 we have been learning about poetry and how good writers choose their words thoughtfully. Jessica wrote a Haiku poem that made the class imagine lying in bed at night listening to a thunderstorm. Well done Jessica!

Sophie D. - 3/4K

This award goes to Sophie for the absolutely beautiful way she has settled into our class. She has quickly and calmly picked up the routines of our classroom, is kind to others and completes all tasks to a great standard. We are so happy to have you at Scoresby Primary School Sophie!

James R. - 3/4S

This award goes to James for making a wonderful start to the term. James has participated well in all class discussions and activities with enthusiasm and he demonstrated his knowledge of different word choices within poems. Keep up the great work, James.

Olrick D. - 5/6B

This award is for the tremendous care you take in presenting your work. Unfortunately, great presentation is something I often see in only half my students. The pride you take in your finished work is a credit to you Olrick. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up the good work. You have fast become a valued member of 5/6B.

Patris N. - 5/6D

Patris has walked into the new term with determination to achieve his personal best work. He has been particularly enthusiastic about our ‘location’ maths topic. He has been able to apply his knowledge of a grid reference system to create maps and directions. Keep up the great work, Patris!

Louis W. - 5/6W

This award goes to Louis for his hardworking efforts in Writing this week. He used the internet to research information that he wanted to know more about to include in his information report. Well done Louis!

Oliver L. - Performing Arts

Congratulations Oliver. You are doing a great job learning the parts to Play That Song and you’re an excellent team player. Keep up the great work.

Ryan W. - Physical Education 

Ryan, you displayed Kindness, Respect and Responsibility within the basketball clinic. The improvement in your skills has been a reflection of this. You should be so proud! Keep up the fantastic work.

Phoebe K. - Mandarin

This award goes to Phoebe for always being a positive and hard-working member in Mandarin class. Your high achievement in Mandarin surprised  me. Congratulations and very well done!

Leo B. - Science

This award goes to Leo for the clever thinking he is displaying during his science lessons. Leo listens carefully and then draws on previous knowledge when attempting to answer tricky questions. Well done Leo, this is truly a scientistic way of thinking. Keep it up!