Principals` Message

As usual, we have had a busy start to the term. We had a good turnout for parent-teacher conferences last week. It was a great way for teachers and families to meet in a more formal setting to discuss their child’s report and learning goals.  We have a lot of incursions and excursions coming up for all grade levels, so please make sure you are keeping an eye on Compass for those events.


Staggered lunchtimes

Next week (Week 5) we will be trialling a staggered lunchtime break. What this means is that Foundation-Grade 2 students will have lunch between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm (1:00-1:15 inside eating time). The Grade 3-6 students will have their regular timetable and lunch break at 1:30-2:30 (1:30-1:45 inside eating time). Students will still have the same learning time and break time including specialists. It just means there is more room for each group to play outside at lunchtime.  The reason we are trialling the staggered lunchtime is due to the increasingly limited space in our Napier St playground during break times. We have a lot of students in the playground and want to make sure they all have room to play a range of games and activities. Please see your child's teacher if you have any further questions.



We have now received the Grade 3 and Grade 5 NAPLAN reports. If you have not collected them already, they are available to be picked up at the front office by an adult. There is an explanation of the new NAPLAN proficiency standards, which have replaced the previous reporting bands, in the envelope with the report. We congratulate all students on their achievements, and positive attitude towards learning, the great efforts by all staff, and the strong support of students and the school from our families. Thank you to everyone and well done.


Supervision Before and After School

Just a reminder that supervision before school in the playground is from 8:45-9:00 am. Before this time students either need to be booked into Big Childcare or supervised by parents or carers. If students are attending Breakfast Club (8:30-8:55) they will be supervised in the Breakfast Club area until 8:45.

After school the playground is supervised until 3:45 pm, after this time students will be waiting in the office or at Big Childcare (if they have previously attended).


Unwell Students

As usual, at this time of the year, there are illnesses going around. We have had a number of students coming to school with upset stomachs, runny noses, and coughing that we have had to send them home early. Children find it difficult to learn and often feel miserable when they are unwell. Therefore, it is important to keep your child at home when they are showing any signs of being unwell, this is for their health’s sake and to help keep the other students and staff safe, healthy, and well.  You can find further information on the Department of Health’s website about exclusion periods.



Curriculum Day

Next Friday the 11th of August there will be a student-free day. During this time teachers will be doing some work on our student well-being programs. 


-Angela Richmond & Andrea Hennessey