Principal's News

Journeying Together in Christ 

Last Sunday was the 'Transfiguration of the Lord' Mt 17:1-9. Some people find this challenging to understand. Fr Joe Taylor shared what his Irish relatives referred to as 'soft' moments. Moments we encounter Jesus in our lives through our experiences. 

If I was to share a recent 'soft' moment, I would have to refer to my few hours with the Mercy sisters at St Mary's convent, Handsworth, Birmingham.  The sisters I met shared their stories and I could relate to their experiences from stories my parents shared with me or moments I had lived. See the photo in the Birmingham link.

Another 'soft' moment was in Amsterdam when I was walking quite early on a Sunday morning. I was still getting use to the time difference. It was about 5:00am and I came across some red poppies (the next day I visited the Jewish Museum). I found myself thanking God for all those who protect us.

Seeing this, 'Homeless Jesus'  made me think of those less fortunate and I thanked Jesus for my journey.




Sisters of Mercy Convent, Handsworth, Birmingham

The above link is to a newsletter I featured in most recently. 


Staffing News

Tony McDonald (Deputy Principal) will be finishing up at the end of the school year. Tony has been at St Luke's for four years. Tony began teaching in 1992 and he has a great passion for education. Tony is looking for a change, but staying in education. 

We will work through the recruitment process with Catholic Education Sandhurst (CES) and advertise in the coming weeks.

Lexi Coomans will start on Thursday 24th August. She will transition into 3/4 Johnson/Forge as Hannah and Jess begin Maternity Leave. 


After School Care

The plan is to have a new provider ready for the beginning of Term 4. A period of transition will hopefully take place at the end of this term. We will keep you updated. In the meantime we thank 'Theircare' who operate out of Congupna Primary. Thanks to Congupna Primary for looking after us.


Enrolments 2024

Planning has started for 2024. Class structures are determined by student numbers. Please let me know if you are enrolled elsewhere for Years 1- 6 in 2024 via the Enrolments Exit Form. When I have an indication of numbers we can focus on staffing and recruit quality educators. If the pattern of Foundation enrolments continue we may have three Foundation classes in 2024. Please click the link below:

Enrolment exit survey


Pupil Free Day this Term

There will be a Pupil Free Day on Friday 25th August.  Staff will be working with CES staff around academic data.




School Tours and Enrolments for 2024

Tours will be offered most Wednesdays at 12:00pm for possible enrolments. If you know anyone outside our community please let them know. Some people may have missed our Open Day in May or they may be new to Shepparton. 

Upcoming Tour Dates remaining this term:

23rd August, 6th September, 13th September


Uniform Reminders

Boys may wear trousers or shorts on school uniform days. Girls may wear trousers or a skort.

This was changed for winter 2022. See the 2023 Information handbook in PAM> Knowledge Bank.


World Youth Day (WYD) Lisbon, Portugal

Bre and Sarah will leave Avila, Spain to return to Australia and we will see them next week. They have spent the past three days on retreat in Avila. This was an opportunity to reflect on the past 8 days of WYD 23 and rest!



On Tuesday  a saying I live by, 'Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow' was highlighted in the Gospel of the day. The statement says to me, slow down and enjoy today. 

Matthew 6:34

'So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of it's own. Today's trouble is enough for today.'


Have a great weekend and 'Go the Matildas against France in the quarter final'.


David Keenan - Principal