Year 3/4

34N and T
We have been...
- learning to write great descriptions with similes of aliens and planets.
- engaging with a brand new program called TTRockStars to learn our timetables
- reading about the space race, astronomers and one poor unfortunate (but famous) dog called Laika
- tackling the "proper" way of doing subtraction with trading
- becoming experts at drawing digitally with Google Draw making annotated picture
- completing a homework project about finding a groovy picture about space.
- speaking and building words like Ancient Romans with some base words like 'mot' (motor) being to move
- practicing using connectives and prepositions to make more engaging sentences.
We are counting down until camp in 2 weeks. We have been having a weekly meeting all term in preparation for the camp. The students have had the opportunity to ask any questions they might have and have been receiving a lot of information about the camp and activities that we will take part in.
Our term topic of space and the Solar System is turning out to be very engaging. The students have already learnt a lot of facts about all things space. We have looked at the planets, the Space Race, the Hubble Telescope and many other things related to space. In Maths we have worked on using the vertical addition algorithm to solve larger addition questions and we are now learning about using the same method to solve subtraction problems.
In ICT the students are continuing to develop their ICT skills by collecting data and inputting it into a Google Sheet. They are also becoming more confident using Google Classroom and generally navigating the Chromebooks.
As part of Science Week, we were able to sit in on an Zoom meeting yesterday which was about Antarctica and the whales that migrate to and from. The students really enjoyed this and learnt some great facts about both Antarctica and Humpback whales. We also enjoyed a lovely morning working through the rotations set up that all involved a scientific activity.
I would also like to congratulate everyone who represented our school at the Bendigo athletics day. You made us all very proud with your behaviour and the support you showed each other. Well done to everyone involved.
If anyone has any questions or concerns about the upcoming camp, please reach out to your classroom teacher.