Year 1/2

In the 1/2s we have been exploring different subjects to engage the students. We have been focusing on Stop Motion, Music and Science. This is done on a rotation basis where each class has the opportunity to experience each activity.
In our stop motion, students are designing their own animation. We have explored using two different forms to do this, paper and sticky notes. Students have chosen which form they would prefer to use for their animation. We are now underway with our plans and preparation for our projects. Next the students will begin using stop motion techniques to animate.
In Music, students have been focusing on the beat and rhythm. They have experienced this through percussion instruments, known songs and body percussion. Students now have knowledge of ta (one sound on the beat), ti ti (two sounds on the beat) and sa (rest or no sound on the beat). To consolidate all learning, students have made their own music piece and performed it to the class.
In Science, students have been exposed to different elements of science. Such as precipitation, floating and sinking, chemical reactions, soundwaves, and air pressure. Students have investigated these experiments by predicting outcomes and observing changes. We learnt about molecules and how we can move molecules, with a balloon and a skewer.