
This term the Preps have been looking forward to Fridays as they know that’s their ‘Buddy’ day. They are very excited to work with their Grade 5/6 friends. They have had heaps of fun playing games, learning where our food comes from, and this week, they have been doing some coding on laptops with their buddies.
The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program is something the Preps look forward to every week. They love cooking in the kitchen and enjoy all the responsibilities that comes with cooking, including the washing up! Prep A cook on Tuesdays and Prep N have their turn on Wednesdays, with both sessions starting at 12pm. We are still in need of parent helpers so if you would like to participate, please let the office know. The support would be greatly appreciated.
Over the past few weeks in writing the Preps have been learning how to write a procedure. They have been working so hard and are now working towards putting a whole procedure together. Students can recognise all components of a procedure and confidently write the title, what we need, steps and add in pictures.
Last week we started learning about sharing in Maths. The Preps have been learning how to share objects into equal amounts. Students have used hands on materials such as unifex blocks to demonstrate their learning.
The Preps have also celebrated 100 days of school in style.