Year 6 Team Day

Last Friday we held our first Year 6 Team Day. Our year 6 students spent the day in the Will-e-mee Moor-ing Centre and represented themselves and our school passionately. Our guest speaker, Danni ( Department of Education Koori Education Support Officer) presented CUST (Community Understanding and Safety Training) and was blown away by the knowledge and understanding our students had. She also presented new information that prompted some excellent questions and thoughtful comments...
I learnt what a cool burn is.
Aboriginals have totems, meaning they think a particular animal is sacred and they cannot eat or hunt this animal.
Something I learnt from the CUST training session was what the different colours and symbols of the Torres Strait Islander peoples flag meant.
I learnt that each mob had its own totems and they had to respect that animal and they couldn't hunt or eat it.
Lucy and Charlie then took Danni on a quick tour to show her some of the Indigenous work and resources different classes have made.
Our next guest speaker was Sarah Solomon who shared her own stories and journey. Sarah is an occupational therapist and works with MND patients . She shared stories from her own life and work with MND clients, including her achievements walking in the Northern Territory to raise money for MND, growing up in a small town, travelling and moving from Western Australia to Victoria. The feedback from our kids from Sarah's session included:
I liked the saying she had "no mistakes only lessons"
I felt very inspired today by the stories she told.
It made me feel interested
Today the guest speaker Inspired me that even that we come from a small town we can do big things, I also loved her quotes.
The guest speaker made me feel inspired to help people more often.
I felt moved by Sarah and her story.
They make me feel motivated.
Sarah taught me I can do anything I want to do in life
She made me feel happy and inspired.
We spent the rest of our day identifying our character strengths, how they can help us work in teams and what strengths we could work on. Making videos and resources to pass wisdom onto future Year 6 teams, taking part in some fun activities where we shared our own skills and knowledge and all of this was wrapped up with morning tea, lunch and a goodie bag. Our goodie bag was kindly donated by our KESO worker Renee and Berry Street donated the fidget tools.
We would like to thank our Year 6 Team for their participation, enthusiasm during the day, and feedback. It was a fabulous day spent together.