Physical Education

Here we are, 6 weeks into Term 3 already. It really is ridiculous how fast things are moving, I guess it means we’re having a great term and having loads of fun. All classes have wrapped up their sports and are getting ready to learn a new sport, with new rules and new skills required. The Prep-2s have finished up their soccer unit and are now going to be playing a range of strategy games including Capture the Flag. Grade 3-6s will be moving on to Ultimate Frisbee, a high intensity game where fitness and teamwork are paramount. I’m excited to teach these new games and sports!
Last week, 32 students participated in a range of events at the COBAW District Athletics Comp in Bendigo. We had a brilliant day and got some pretty amazing results. Let’s start with Xavier getting the 9/10 years boys Long Jump record, amazing result! Finley placed 1st in the 11 years boys 200m and 1500m events, Zayne came first in the 100m for 11 years boys, Liv came 1st in 9/10 years girl's discus and Hazel came 1st in 11years girl's discus. It really was a great day and once again, the Lancefield students proved why we have such a great reputation for being a kind and supportive school.
How can I not finish this piece without mentioning the Matildas! Not only were they amazing in getting to the semi-finals but what they have done for women’s/ girls’ sport is unprecedented. As a former football (AFL) player myself, I am beyond excited for this and future generations of female athletes and what this means for them. Real change takes time and I feel so honoured and privileged to live in a time where I can see change actually happening on an almost daily basis. There’s a long way to go but I’m excited for my daughter, her classmates, every girl at this school and every other female sports player around the country.