Principal's Report

BIG Thank you!
We would like to recognise the generosity of the Moloney family for their donation of two new tv screens, one for the art room and one for another class room ( currently empty). Ross also has taken the time to install these for us and the Art teachers are super excited to use this new screen to enhance their lessons for students. THANK YOU for your generosity and support of all students and staff at LPS!
Early arrivals at school and mobile devices
We have noticed an increase in students arriving at school far too early . Staff are on duty from 8.45am. If your children need to be at school earlier than this time for whatever reason then you need to access Schools Out before school care to ensure your children are fully supervised. Please remind your child/ren to bring any mobile devices straight to the office each morning before school begins for safe storage. This includes mobile phones/smart watches and other devices. These are not permitted items during the day at school. Please see our Mobile Phone and other device policy on our website for further information.
Make sure you read about our year 6 team day further in our newsletter. Kirsty and I had an absolutely fabulous day with our year 6 students and were immensely proud of the high level of enthusiastic participation on display by all. Well done year 6s!
Our school council trivia night for parents and carers is not far away (Friday 1st of September) with only a few tickets still available! Book your tickets via Try Booking. So many fabulous prizes and silent auction items, you won't want to miss out!
I will be taking leave from week 8 and returning for term 4, my first real 'break' and time away in a long while. Jamie and I are very excited about travelling, hiking and camping and seeing some amazing sights. Kirsty will be taking on the role of Acting Principal during my absence. I know you will all be patient, supportive and kind as the principal role is a very busy and demanding job!
The Learning Pit
Jenna and her 1/2 class have been investigating the importance and relevance of the Learning Pit.
The Learning Pit was originally created by James Nottingham. ‘The Pit’ is the place where deep conceptual understanding takes place.
Once a student is in ‘the pit’ they are challenged to be resilient and reflective to build a growth mindset. The aim of ‘the pit’ is to get students to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. This is where students require the necessary skills to question and reflect so their knowledge can move from surface level to deep understanding. Students are encouraged to not only challenge the concept they are presented with but to question their own thinking. By doing this, students develop their critical thinking, and their curiosity is nurtured, and a love of learning developed.
The Learning Pit is where students experience cognitive conflict. This is a good thing as students are required to think more deeply and by thinking more deeply, they can understand more deeply. Being in the Learning Pit means that the student has given considerable thought to the concept and now has more questions. To get out of the pit, students find answers to their questions.
The way students find answers to their questions is by linking ideas together, considering other viewpoints and options, examining cause and effect. This is where students may experience that ‘awe’ moment, the moment of clarity of thinking. Without the struggle, the deep conceptual learning of inquiry does not occur.
The crucial element of the learning pit is reflecting upon the steps taken to reach the deep conceptual understanding. Once the student understands the process or steps they took, they can then apply their thinking to other learning challenges.
The next time you become challenged and ultimately frustrated putting the flat pac Ikea furniture together, remember the importance of getting in the Learning Pit.
Visualise the emotion of success and pride once that piece of furniture is constructed!
Little Angler Program for Year 5s
The Victorian Government is investing $1.5 million from the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Fund to provide up to 95,000 Little Angler Kits to primary school aged children in Victoria. The free kits provide a wonderful school holiday activity for children with their families and help ease the cost of living, providing a fun activity close to home.
Grade 5 students at all Victorian schools, including ours, will be offered the opportunity to receive a FREE Little Angler Kit. Grade 5 students have been selected based on the Victorian Curriculum focus, movement and motor development, and safety considerations.
The roll out of kits will occur through the second half of 2023 (16 October - 4 December) so that all participating children will have a kit in time for the summer school holidays.
The kits include a rod, reel with line, tackle tray, some tackle and information on how to use them to catch a fish. Please note that the tackle tray includes fishing hooks. The tackle tray will be wrapped in cardboard and placed inside a pocket inside the fishing kit bag, which will be sealed with a cable tie to discourage students from opening their kits until they are with a parent or carer.
Kits will be handed out to students to take home with them as soon as the school receives them. Teachers will tell students not to open the kits until they are safely at home with a parent or carer, however parents can contact the school and request to collect their kit from the school themselves if they prefer.
The Victorian Fisheries Authority will create a Little Angler hub on their website, which will be live when the kits start being distributed. It will have useful information, instructional videos and online resources about where and how to fish linking to existing resources from Fishcare and new resources to be produced just for the Little Angler Kits program. This initiative aims to grow recreational fishing participation in Victoria by actively encouraging primary school aged children to learn how to fish, as well as learning more about marine life and the natural environment.
What have I been listening to?
I love to listen to The Imperfects Podcast when out running or walking. In particular I would recommend for parents and carers these two episodes featuring Lael Stone, 'Creating Emotionally Intelligent Humans' and 'Take Care of Yourself'.
What have I been reading?
Atomic Habits by James Clear, Tribe of Mentors by Timothy Ferris and about to read Lost Connections by Johann Hari.