Who We Are

PREP - TERM 1B, 2021

Transdisciplinary theme: Who We Are


Many people teach us how to be healthy and safe


As an International Baccalaureate world school, authorised to teach the Primary Year’s Programme, we explore six transdisciplinary themes each year. 


Our second unit of inquiry for the year explores the ways we can all keep healthy and safe.


Students will be asked to bring in items for Show and Tell that are related to this Unit of Inquiry. For example: bike helmets, goggles, high visibility vests etc, and speak about the importance of these items.


  • Responsibility

Lines of Inquiry

  • The things we can do to keep ourselves healthy and safe
  • Personal, physical and social health
  • The many organisations and people that keep us healthy and safe
  • Identifying dangers in our environment


Action in the PYP is initiated independently by the student as a result of the learning process. Action may be bringing a book or artefact related to the inquiry to school, or student initiated drawings/posters/research. We celebrate our students’ ACTION every day in our classrooms. If you see your children taking independent action at home encourage them to share their action with their class.

Approaches to Learning

  • Self-management skills
  • Social skills

Learner Profile Attributes

  • Principled

The Prep Team

Mr Peter Stanbrook, Miss Sue Evins, Mrs Tanya Gibbon and Mrs Elli Robertson