Reflections on Faith 

From the desk of the Religious Education Coordinator - Miss McMeniman

Kindness: What can we do for those around us?

As we move into Week 2 of Term 2 it is important to remember who we are and our values. How we present ourselves and treat those around us sets us up for success or failure. This week we reflect on Pope Frances' words from Fratelli Tutti, 2020: 

"Kindness frees us from the cruelty that at times infects human relationships, from the anxiety that prevents us from thinking of others, from the frantic flurry of activity that forgets that others also have a right to be happy. Often nowadays we find neither the time nor the energy to stop and be kind to others, to say "excuse me", "pardon me", "thank you". Yet every now and then, miraculously, a kind person appears and is willing to set everything else aside in order to show interest, to give the gift of a smile, to speak a word of encouragement, to listen amid general indifference. If we make a daily effort to do exactly this, we can create a healthy social atmosphere in which misunderstandings can be overcome and conflict forestalled." 

As we interact with the world around us, remember who we are and the values instilled in us. Greet others with a smile, use our manners and in general, make each experience a positive one.