Important Notices

Primary Campus Assemblies
Due to the increased size of our Primary Campus and continuing COVID restrictions that are in place in 2021, it has been decided in conjunction with the student leaders that we will split assembly into Prep to Year 3 and Year 4 to Year 6 this term.
These assemblies will continue to run session 5 every Friday.
Prep to Year 3 – Even weeks
(Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8) starting at 2:30 pm
(Parents welcome to attend)
Year 4 to Year 6 – Odd weeks
(Weeks 3, 5, 7 and 9) starting at 2:30 pm
(Parents welcome to attend)
Classroom Helpers Course
The Classroom Helpers Course will begin on Friday 7th May and run over 2 consecutive weeks.
Please note: you will need to complete BOTH sessions to pass the course.
You will have an opportunity to learn how to assist with teaching Reading and Writing in the Early Years of school.
Where: The Staffroom – Primary Campus
Time: 9:00am – 10:00am
Dates: Friday, 7th May, 2021
Friday, 14th May, 2021
At the completion of the course you will be assigned a regular time slot in one of the Home Groups. Please understand that this may not necessarily mean you will be working in your child’s classroom as you will be assisting where you are needed.
If you have previously completed the Classroom Helper Course you do not need to do it again. Please contact the Primary office to let them know you would like to assist in the classroom for 2021.
To let us know if you will be attending please use the 'I grant or deny permission' function on Sentral. Please note this is not for your student to participate but to let the school know if a parent/guardian will be attending the session.
Please confirm your interest by Friday 30th April, 2021.