Community News

ANZAC Day Service

There were a number of ANZAC Services held throughout the Pyrenees Shire and B.S.C. staff and students were fortunate to attend 2 of them.


School Principal, Karl Schier attended the Beaufort Service alongside School Captains, Jaelyn Brand and Naomi Gerrard, who were flag bearers for the March. Alex Holm and Tom Lyons assisted as flag bearers during the ceremony, as the girls laid a wreath at the war memorial on behalf of the school.


Jaelyn Brand and Naomi Gerrard
Alex Holm and Tom Lyons
Jaelyn Brand and Naomi Gerrard
Alex Holm and Tom Lyons


At the Skipton Service we had our Assistant Principal Jackie Kerr in attendance, alongside students, Sophie Cook and Adeline Corbett.


Sophie Cook, Assistant Principal, Jackie Kerr & Adeline Corbett
Sophie Cook, Assistant Principal, Jackie Kerr & Adeline Corbett

Community Assistance


Continuing to shine a spotlight on our local not for profit community organisations and local contributors, this issue we would like to highlight The Rotary Club of Beaufort and the Bendigo Bank, Beaufort Branch.


The Rotary Club of Beaufort is a dedicated contributor to B.S.C. and the local community, including funding awards, providing scholarships and a broad range of experiences and opportunities for students, to assist their learning and growth. These contributions make a  valuable difference to our students future's.



The Bendigo Bank, Beaufort Branch contribute a great deal to our local school and community through funding and grants for various projects and awards. The assistance we receive enable's B.S.C. to provide the best possible learning environment for our students.