Year 5/6 News

Yr 5/6 news...


All classes have settled in to classroom routines and students are working hard. Homework has commenced and students are expected to complete their Maths Mate and at least two entries into their reading journal each week. Please help us, help your children to develop sound study habits by supporting them to complete homework and encouraging them to do a little each night rather than ‘cramming’ the night before.

Our topic for this term is ‘Setting Up For Success’. AFL football players are undeniably successful; whichever team they play for. On Monday we were fortunate enough to have a visit from two Bulldogs players: Tim and Pat. Students had opportunity to ask questions around their success and how they maintain fitness, general interests and lifestyle issues. In addition, students received a thirty minute impromptu footy clinic to develop skills.

Some thoughts from the students…

OMG…he might even be taller than Mr Searl. Tim, the tall one, and Pat, both play for the Bulldogs. Tim’s favorite cereal is Sultana Bran and says he loves Weetbix. Tim grew up in Perth and Pat in Melbourne.

By Rahni.

“Woahh”, everyone thought with anticipation as Tim and Pat entered the room. They were super tall these Bulldogs players. We asked them some questions then we went outside and did some handballing and kicking with the football. Overall, most of us had a great time and it was really fun…

By Shaelen.

208cm! ‘Geez, Tim English is really tall!’ He had to duck to get into the Blue Hall. I asked if he was friends with any Collingwood players, and he said ‘yes’. Then we went out to do some skills like handballing and kicking. It was fun.

By Macy


Year 5 & 6 Camps

We wish to advise you of information regarding Year 5 Norval Camp & Year 6 Canberra camp that will be taking place in Term 3 & 4. We understand the cost of school camps can be significant for families, therefore we are wanting to communicate as much information as early as possible. 


Based on previous years, the cost of Canberra camp has been approximately $650-$700 per child and the cost of Norval Camp $450-$500. There will be an expression of interest note sent home during March to confirm your child’s attendance with a non-refundable deposit to secure a place and with further information. 


Please feel free to contact the office should you wish to organise a payment plan.


Kind regards,


Year 5/6 Team.