From the Principal



Dear Parents and Guardians


I trust all the Father's in our St Bede's community had a wonderful day last Sunday.


Last Sunday  was a big day!!!! Not only did  all the  fathers celebrate Father’s Day but we also had the  press conference from Daniel Andrews giving us our roadmap out of Stage 4 restrictions.


As you would have read from my communication on Monday the following is what we know at this stage


Schools in metropolitan Melbourne from 5 October - all children from Prep-6 will continue remote learning with the exception of children of permitted workers or vulnerable students.


Schools in metropolitan Melbourne from 12 October – return to onsite learning

Students in Prep to Grade 2 return to full-time onsite schooling. The existing remote learning program will not continue for these year levels.

Remote and flexible learning will continue for all students in Grade 3 to Year 10, other than for children of permitted workers and vulnerable students.


Dates to be confirmed, subject to health advice

All students from Grade 3 to Year 10 in metropolitan Melbourne will continue with remote and flexible learning. A date for the return of these year levels to face-to-face learning will be subject to further health advice.

During the staged return, outside school hours care will be available to students attending for on-site supervision and progressively for the relevant year levels returning to on-site learning.


R U OK Day

Today  10th September is  R U OK day. Checking in on families and friends and asking R U OK is important everyday, but it is even more important during challenging times like all Victorians are  currently facing.  I ask our community over the next week to reach out to someone you might not have spoken to for awhile and ask  R U OK.



Prep Orientation 2021


In light of the uncertainty (due to COVID-19) of Term Four plans, we have decided to commence our Prep 2021 Orientation with an online story telling session next Thursday 17th September commencing at 9.30am.  Invitations were emailed out today. Please join Mrs Antonello and Mrs Boyhan for a special reading of Mrs Wishy Washy




During this time we have taken the opportunity to paint our hall. Andy and Michael have done amazingly.  I will show  some pictures when it is completed in the coming weeks.



End of Term

Just a reminder that the end of  Term 3 is  Friday 18th September at 1:00pm



Have a great week

