eSafety Week

This week at Maramba we celebrated eSafety week which is an initiative of the Alannah  and  Madeline Foundation.  It is about building supportive and connected social environments both on and offlinethese are some of the activities is that different year levels did:


Students in Foundation participated in the eSmart live reading of The Fabulous Friend Machine by Nick Bland, which outlines the dangers of getting caught up in the virtual world in an engaging picture book designed for young children. They were also encouraged to watch an episode of Hector’s World from the eSafety Commissioner website which offers practical guidance on staying safe online.


Jay FL10
Jay FL10


In Year 2, students are beginning to play multi-player games online with each other. Together, we, discussed and reflected on an episode of Hector’s World. We learnt how we can be safe while playing online games and the importance of protecting ourselves and our personal information.


In Years 3-6, students explored Cyber Safety for their Innovation Meet this week. They learned how to be safe online and keep information private in a shared in a shared internet space. Students created positive reminders to keep near their online spaces to remind themselves how to behave safe online. This is an ongoing conversation that we have with all students, particularly now during remote learning 


Caeley 5R20
Clare 5M18
Caeley 5R20
Clare 5M18