School News 

Open Morning

Parents/Carers and community members who may be interested in enrolling their child in 2021 are invited to an Open Morning at Hackham East Primary School on Thursday 27/8 from 9:00-10:00am.  Come along for a guided tour of our wonderful learning spaces, meet the Principal, hear about our great learning programs and have the chance to ask questions.  Please feel free to bring your child/children.

Ph Lee Clements (83823824) to book a space or email

We look forward to seeing you there.

Sally Slattery, Principal

Pyjama's For Playground Fundraiser

On Thursday 10/9  students and adults can wear their PJs/Onsies to raise funds towards the upgrade for our Oval playground area which will be an ongoing fundraiser over the next 12 months.

A group of Year 3/ 4 students have taken the lead to let students and staff know of this fundraiser by creating flyers for our Pyjama’s for Playground Fundraiser.

This will be a Gold Coin Donation to participate on the day.

Look forward to seeing many students and adults in their comfy Pjs/Onesies – but hopefully awake and ready for learning.

Sally Slattery, Principal


Congratulations to the following students who will have their art work featured in the 2021 Communities for Children Calendar.

Eden Challen Year 2

Quinn Tunnicliff Year 5

Isabella Cook Year 5

Bailey Durham Year 4

It is such an honour for the students to have their amazing art works showcased. Thank you to our Arts Teacher, Stephen Di Giorolamo, for encouraging our students to participate.  You can see their art work in Stephen's article on The Arts.

Sally Slattery, Principal

Class Placement Request Form

If you have things you would like the school to consider regarding your child’s class placement for 2021 please complete the form that was sent home last week. If you have misplaced your copy, copies are available from Lee in the front office. 

Requests are due back by Wednesday 9/9 – send to Lee in the front office or via your child’s class teacher.

We request that you do not make specific teacher requests as we will not consider them as part of our school placement considerations in placing your child.

Sally Slattery, Principal

Lost Property

Please regularly check the teaching units for any items that may belong to your child/children.

It is recommended that all items brought to school eg hats, jumpers, hoodies, lunch boxes, drink bottles etc are clearly named so that they can be returned if found.

Please check regularly to ensure your child's name is clearly visible and readable.

Assemby Change in Week 8

Due to the School Closure Day on Friday 11/9, the Assembly will now be hosted on Thursday 10/9 at 9:00am. All welcome, but please follow physical distancing protocols.

Premier's Reading Challenge

Students who have been participating in the Premier's Reading Challenge this year need to return their completed forms to Deb Scarff in the Library by Friday 4/9.  No late forms can be accepted. 

Well done to all students who have participated with each book read assisting your learning.

Deb Scarff, Library SSO

School Banking

Remember, every THURSDAY is School Banking day when students can bring in their weekly deposit. 

Saving regularly is an important habit to get into, whether you're saving a little or a lot. Remember, there is no minimum deposit with School Banking, you can send as little as 5c per week in, saving regularly is what is important. 


Thank you for supporting the School Banking program at Hackham East Primary School. 

If you would like to know more about School Banking, please ask Tracy Rowley, Finance Manager for a 2020 School Banking program information pack  or visit