Year 8 English

Year 8 English - Lockdown Reflections
Self-Reflection Lockdown
I have been quite enjoying lockdown due to the fact I can do things at my own pace and really organise my self and have a lot of time to work on who I am as a person and also get to spend more time with my family and have fun. but to be honest it does get pretty boring at times when you are doing the same things every day, it’s like you are living in Groundhog Day. The one thing I really miss is my friends just having that social interaction just makes life so much better and another thing that I have been struggling without is basketball at least I have been enjoying being on the edge of my seat watching the NBA playoffs where my team (Dallas Mavericks) who have tied the series 2-2 out of 7 games with the Los Angeles Clippers. One thing I haven’t been enjoying is the football the Hawks aren’t having the best of seasons it doesn’t bother me that much but still annoys me every now and then. That sums up my experiences in lockdown / quarantine I just hope this doesn’t go on for as long as people are saying.
Personal Reflection (Lockdown)
With everything that has been, going on in the past couple of months it has been hard for everyone to live in this society. Although we have had many benefits that have slowed down the wave of cases, such as new restrictions and borderline’s have been cut off. The hardest part about this pandemic is not being able to see no one; although you can still call, it just does not feel the same. School has been different, some things are hard to understand without having a teacher around to help you. It has been weird, confusing getting used to this society but it is for the best, and if we all do our part, this will hopefully just go away. I personally do not like how everything has been going on recently but we have to deal with it until it ends.
My Reflection of Remote Learning
My reflection about remote learning is that it can be good and bad in different ways. Some good parts are that you can shift around your classes unless there is a meeting. Bad things are that you don’t get to see your friends and your teachers in the classroom environment. I’d rather be at school personally because I find it easier to learn at school and I’d rather have the younger kids at school as well because I feel that they need the classroom environment because it will get them to learn more because my little cousin doesn’t really work that much compared to working at her school.
We entered twenty-twenty
With optimism and open mindedness
But instead the world was hit
With a fast moving deadly virus.
People were confined to their homes
Businesses were forced to shut
Students entered remote learning
And we were all stuck in a rut.
People were consumed with fear
And panic buying was out of control
Who would have guessed twenty-twenty
Would be known for the outage of toilet paper rolls.
Personal reflection
Time in online learning has been very fortunate to me because I have learnt to appreciate so many more things in life and take it a bit slower this has resulted many in positives aspects of life these include learning to appreciate walking, hanging out with friends more and not taking things for granted. If we did go back to school I would miss out on two weeks because of surgery, however we are learning online therefore I did not miss out on any important educational criteria.
Ultimately this lock down has changed me for the better in all aspect of my life and has changed my perspective.
Everyone is at home
but is anyone really there
I feel so alone
does anyone even care
the darkness is creeping in now
its coming from all around
I go outside and wait for light
but there is none to be found
all alone in the world
that is how it does feel
I talk to people every day
but are any of them even real