Grades 4-6


We are past half-way through the term and it has been amazing seeing the students at our instructional lesson, collaborating through teams for inquiry and putting their thinking caps on for Mathematics.  

Reminder that the students have been doing remote learning for 5 weeks, although the term is already in week 6, to avoid confusion we will be calling the weeks accordingly and next week is week 7 of Term 3.


Inquiry Cycle

The Inquiry Cycle is the backdrop of what is done in the 4/5/6 area. A lot of our language and the way we allow student to become independent is through the Inquiry Cycle lens.





We have been working on synthesising this week in Literacy. Students have been given the opportunities to give an opinion on a topic, then do some investigation and expand or change their opinion based on their discoveries. Synthesis is an important skill not only in reading, but also in inquiry. 

Original Opinion
Follow up opinion.
Original opinion.
Follow up ideas.
Original Opinion
Follow up opinion.
Original opinion.
Follow up ideas.

Big Write

This week students have been using a prompt to work on sustained writing. Once they had their initial few paragraphs, in collaboration they worked on peer reviews and revising their work. These are a good way to explore creativity, provide feedback and be a learner.

By Lucy:



By Amber:

Their spindly finger hovered over my head as they muttered a spell. "Why do they hate me so much?" I thought as my classmates stares turned to laughter. I looked down at myself, a clown costume?, really?.


A few moments later they had all forgotten about me because the headmaster had walked in with the inspector. The spell was quickly undone and I was ushered back to my seat.  


Poesías (Poetry)

This week we have worked on Rimas Divertidas (Fun Rhymes) en poesías.

We looked at how palabras (words) usually riman (rhyme) at the end of each line.

We also spoke about coplas (couplets) within some poesías. 

Check out the amazing poesías creado (created)!


En Matemáticas (Mathematics), we have focused on objetos (objects) and their peso (weight).

Check out how we used gramos (grams) and kilogramos (kilograms) to medir (measure) el peso (the weight) of objetos (objects) in our casa (house)!






These will be undertaken during weeks 8 and 9. A timetable for assessments will be sent out via teams.