2019 Meeniyan Bike Ride


For full details please refer to the email that was sent out to all 3-6 families and the PAM permission information for Gr 6's, last Wednesday 7th October.  Please look in your Spam or Junk folder if you did not receive an email.  Responses due by Friday, 16th October please.

GRADE 3 & 4                      

Proposed:  Grade 3/4’s bike education will have an emphasis on skills and knowledge of road rules.  This program will begin on Monday 23rd November through to Friday 11th December.


Proposed:  Grade 5 preliminary lessons will include skills, group riding and further development of road rules. The starting date is Thursday 3rd December.


Grade 5 bike ride to Meeniyan is planned for Friday 11th December


Grade 5  bikes need to be roadworthy as your child will be riding “on-road”. If your child’s bike needs attention there are a couple of bike mechanics available.

  • Korumburra Bike Fitting Store, John Kennedy, ph. 56551210
  • B-spoke Mobile, Brandon Stewart, ph. 0424660772 ( will fix bikes at our school if there are sufficient numbers).

Please note that the school plays no part in these transactions. You will need to organise your repairs.


Proposed:  Grade 6 preliminary lessons will include skills, group riding and further development of road rules.


The Grade 6 bike hike to Inverloch is planned for Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th December. Police will ride back with our students on the Tuesday.   Unfortunately due to COVID19 restrictions, we will not be able to stay overnight at Inverloch this year but will ride in 2 stages.  All information is on the permission form in PAM which needs to be submitted by Friday 16th October please.


Clarifying Meals for Monday Night:  The grade 6 children's meals are ordered and paid for through the camp and excursion levy.  The only meals you will be ordering and paying for are your own and other family members. When filling in the PAM form, please do not include your grade 6 child.


Grade 6 bikes need to be roadworthy as your child will be riding “on-road”. If your child’s bike needs attention there are a couple of bike mechanics available.

  • Korumburra Bike Fitting Store, John Kennedy, ph. 56551210
  • B-spoke Mobile, Brandon Stewart, ph. 0424660772 ( will fix bikes at our school if there are sufficient numbers).

Please note that the school plays no part in these transactions. You will need to organise your repairs.


Any queries regarding any of the bike ed program can be addressed by emailing your child's classroom teacher or myself on



Lachie Hughes.