Animal testing

Animal testing

By Katerina K - 5SM


Animal testing is horrible. We should not be using animal tested products because animals can get extremely harmed. In some laws, it allow animals to be burned, isolated, starved, drowned, addicted to drugs and brain damaged. Animal testing is when companies test their products on animals, even though there are other ways to test their products.


Throughout animal testing animals can be extremely hurt. They mainly get tested on their skin to look for blistering or in their eyes to look for redness or burning. If any of these occur they will change the product and retest the product on the animals. This abuse can causes animals to be tortured. After they get tested on they will most likely be killed.  Sometimes bigger animals like dogs can be tested on many times. This can cause animals to be stressed out, because they know what’s happening.


You should stop using animal tested products. It is much better for the animals to not be tested on because there are many other ways. There are many other products that don’t use animal testing. Some of them are Lush, The Body Shop, Elf, Soap And Co and Tarte. Those are just some of the companies that don’t get tested on products.



We need to stop using animal tested products quickly . Over 115 million dogs, cats, rabbits and other mammals die each year. Mice, rats and birds are not counted and they add up to around 80% every year. Before we know it these animals will be close to extinction from animal testing. There are many products that don’t use animal testing. We can help by checking the products to see if they are animal tested or not.