E-Learning News

Skype a Scientist 

Technology, you are paving the way for new scientists everywhere! Last week we Skyped an archaeologist from the University of Queensland. This week, the Year 5/6 students were treated to another fantastic Skype experience where we spoke to Miss Poropat's cousin! Dr Stephen Poropat is a paleontologist and he Skyped us from the Melbourne Museum! Dr Stephen showed us all sorts of amazing fossils and findings, and answered fantastic questions asked by our students including, how many species of Australian dinosaurs have been discovered, and did Jurassic Park inspire you to become a paleontologist. 

Bee-Bot Fun in P-2

Last week the Prep students were the first to participate in a fun session where they were introduced to our Bee-Bots. If you haven't seen the Bee-Bots before, they are programmable floor robots designed to introduce children to sequencing, coding, programming and directional language.


In this session, I allowed the children some time just to experiment with the Bee-Bot and figure out some of its features and functions. We then had a discussion where the children were able to identify the directional language associated with each button e.g. forward, backward. 

We then discussed how we could get the Bee-Bot to move in the shape of a square. We practised with ourselves as the robots first and then entered the instructions into the Bee-Bot. 


The Prep children reflected on what they learnt about the Bee-Bot and what they would like to do next time. This was a great introduction to coding and programming and they were all very excited to learn more with the Bee-Bots.

Cyber Safety Parent Night

A reminder that on Monday the 20th August, the Cyber Safety Project will be running a parent information session here at school. This session aims to provide parents with the insights and important information about popular social networking and online gaming platforms for young people today. They will discuss ways you can ensure your children stay safe through making use of an application's privacy settings and help them to build positive digital habits through your family's digital user agreement.


Don't forget to lock this one in your diary:

Date: Monday 20th of August

Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Location: Corpus Christi Community  Hall


Here is the flyer for more information:

Miss Melanie Larkin

e-Learning Leader