Student Wellbeing News

Update from the Year 1/2 Community

In Wellbeing, the Year 1/2 students have been identifying their personal strengths and how everybody is good at different things. We have been learning how to manage strong emotions and discussed how sometimes we might feel like a volcano about to explode.


We thought of some great strategies to help us to calm down if we start to feel like a volcano. Some of our students will tell you these strategies in the following video.

Message from the Student Leaders 

As you know, last week we went COLD TURKEY and removed all of the large rubbish bins in and around classrooms. We have replaced these with smaller bins for each class that are to be used ONLY for TISSUES and PENCIL SHAVINGS. Food scraps are to go back into plastic containers and lunch boxes to go home, and paper of course goes into our recycling bins.


So far it has been a huge success with Year 5/6 students noticing a significant reduction in the amount of rubbish they collected on Friday afternoon. 


Keep up the great work!!


Miss Melanie Larkin

Student Wellbeing Leader