Education in Faith
Our Prayer for Mr Hyde
Our hearts hold a prayer that carries you, Mr Hyde
So close to God’s loving heart.
We lay out our hopes that you’ll know His touch,
And be healed by the Lord above.
We trust in our Lord to comfort you and your family
And bless the hands of the medical teams
That care for you.
We ask you Lord to be with Mr Hyde right now.
May he sense your presence,
May he feel your power,
May he know your love,
May his body be overwhelmed
With light and truth,
And with healing and wellness.
Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
Next week, Wednesday 8th August at 11:30 am we will celebrate the Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop at Mass in Corpus Christi Church. All families are welcome to join us.
Mary MacKillop was a woman who had great trust in God, believing that God would provide whatever was needed in all aspects of her life, be it food for orphanages, money for building a convent, strength to face opposition and false accusation or a way through a difficult situation. She often reminded her Sisters that ‘God’s work does not depend on any of us’. She had a wonderful confidence in God.
When I could not see my way God kept my heart full of trust to make all come right. 1883