AGM - EIO Officer's Report

Education & Innovation Officer's Report - Janette Poulton
We have made further developments to the structure of of Community of Inquiry training programs, including our assessment of assignments as part of the training. Our courses are all in line with FAPSA requirements. We are also building into our training the opportunity for new graduates of the Introduction to Community of Inquiry course to facilitate at one of our regular philosothons.
We have also been able to recognise three Lighthouse Schools this year. These schools were Brunswick East Primary School, Serpell Primary School, and Brighton Primary School. These schools have been highlighted for not only their exemplary work in involving their whole school (F-6) in philosophical inquiry, but also to work with VAPS on developing their school's curriculum, pedagogy, and teacher training in a rigorous capacity. We would welcome other schools who are beginning to explore philosophy at their school, or who are looking to move towards a whole school approach to philosophy, to get in touch with VAPS.
We have wrapped our Ethical Capabilities project, which was funded with a grant thanks to the Victorian Department of Education. These resources are undergoing a final round of proofreading and graphic design, and will soon be available both on the VAPS website, and on FUSE as part of the Department of Education's resources platform.
We have also expanded our philosothon series. In 2018 we tied together three Middle Years Philosothons across Melbourne Museum and the Immigration Museum on the theme of rights and freedom. We also trialled a successful Middle Years Philosothon at Scienceworks. Moving forward in 2019, we will use this model going forward, and already have the theme of 'The Future' to tie together our for Middle Years Philosothons, which will run across Melbourne Museum, the Immigration Museum, and Scienceworks Museum. This series of Middle Years Philosothons will run in parallel to our established and ongoing Primary Years Philosothon at the National Gallery of Victoria, and the Secondary Philosothon.