Final dates and reminders 

Final Sessions


Last day of kindergarten on Friday 13th December.

Children in Green Group will be able to attend an orientation session for their chosen Four Year Old Group Wednesday the 18th of December.

More information will be provided through email and  KIDSXAP 


There will be no kindergarten session on Wednesday 18th December. This is to allow for 2020 children to attend an orientation session. 

The last session of kindergarten for Purple Group this year will be Thursday 19th December. 


Orange Group will have their final kindergarten session Thursday 19th December. There will be no kindergarten session on Friday 20th December.

Extended Care 

There will be no extended care on Thursday 19th or Friday 20th of December.

The kindergarten will not be open at all on Friday 20th December. 

Library Returns 

Book borrowing has finished for 2019. Please return all school library books to the kindergarten as soon as possible. 

2020 Kindergarten Groups 

All 2020 kindergarten groups are currently full. There is a waiting list for families who have requested a place in Purple or Blue Group. Please note that the waiting list is managed and maintained regularly, and that if a space becomes available, the next family on the list will be contacted promptly.