International Students

Cultural Diversity & Harmony Week
The week of Monday 18 to Friday 22 March was an eventful week because at MGSC we celebrated Cultural Diversity and Harmony Week. This week is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values. The theme was ‘Everyone Belongs’, it was a day to focus on our commonalities rather than our differences.
We had daily competitions from Monday to Wednesday. Congratulations to all the eager participants for being fastest respondents and sending in their correct answers!
Lunchtime on Harmony Day (21 March) we held henna and origami workshops and created the Cultural Diversity and Harmony Week poster. There was face painting of yourcountry's flag or colours. We also had Food Stalls where students and parents from various nations prepared and served food in their national colours or costumes, we had Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian, Italian and Thai food and Harmony Day muffins for people to try.
Some students performed a dance and encouraged all to join in a traditional Chinese exercise. It was great to see that all students from different country joined this activity. It really showed how willing and open everyone was to experience, explore and appreciate the wealth of cultural, religious, linguistic and ethnic backgrounds at the College.
Thank you to everyone for participating this week. Special thank you to all staff, students and families who supported the activities and made this week so wonderful!
Wendy Wang (Year 12) and Alice Xu (Year 10)