SRC News

World's Greatest Shave
The SRC will be supporting the World's Greatest Shave on Monday 1 April.
At lunchtime three students and one teacher will be shaving or donating their hair. A local hairdresser will be coming to school to help cut the hair properly! We would love the school community to get behind these amazing students and teacher and help raise funds to fight blood cancer.
The World's Greatest Shave is a charity which raises awareness and funds to help research blood cancer and help support those already living with blood cancer. By donating to the WGS you give families that are facing the burden of blood cancer the physical and emotional support systems they need
Here is the link for everyone to donate to support these amazing students
Harmony Day
On Thursday 21 March we celebrated Harmony Day. There was face painting, food stalls, henna, music and dancing. It was a wonderful showcase of all the different cultures the MGSC community is made up of. The SRC helped to direct traffic at the food stalls and ensured the lunchtime ran smoothly.
Libby McQuiston (President)
and the SRC Team