2020 Enrolments

Open Evening - Tuesday 30 April
The annual Open Evening is an opportunities for families and the community to gather information about the 2020 enrolment process and to see our school and students 'on show'. We encourage any families considering MGSC for their secondary schooling, especially those with daughters in year 5 and 6, to attend the Open Evening or one of the regular College Tours. The website has a list of tour dates.
Year 7 2020, Enhancement Program
Introduced this year, the Enhancement Program will run from Years 7 to 9 and will provide students with the opportunity to learn through higher-order thinking, inquiry and rich tasks as part of an enhanced curriculum in English, Mathematics, Humanities and Science.
For more information about the Enhancement Program see the website or contact Mr Sam Haines, Director of Curriculum and Enhancement on enhancement@mgsc.vic.edu.au.