
Special Ed and Sub Shortage!

By Maripaz Berlin, Grievance Chair



No Door Situation at a Site with Special Ed Program

Since the Special Education Program was moved from Hayes to Parkview, some of the classes have been experiencing the lack of safety measures, such as doors. Students are able to run out without any physical barriers. There are also inadequate facilities for carrying out the specialized teaching practices; there are no nearby sinks or nearby  restrooms for the students.


Consulted with admin (by on site staff)

Grievance Chair, Maripaz Berlin  met with whole Special Ed Team on 9/12 

Brought up to the OGSD Board by OGEA

Read letter to the OGSD Board (written by affected teachers)

STATUS: Still ongoing conditions

Inadequate rolling doors have been added, but pose tripping hazards to staff.



Substitute Teacher Shortage

TOSAs being called on to sub (when substitutes are unavailable) an inordinate amount of time, causing them to cancel their professional development days, cancel in class teaching/coaching.

There is also an organized way to track how many times the teachers have accepted jobs.


Grievance Chair, Maripaz Berlin and President Dominic Rizzi met with Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Andy Garcia, ESD Coordinators, Shannon Anido Bui and Julie SIlva, IT Supervisor, Najeeb Quasimi, Former Assistant Superintendent of ESD, Maria Wetzel,  current Assistant Superintendent of ESD, Ivan Chaidez, a  total of 4 times (5/9, 5/29, 7/10, 9/19).

OGEA entered into a Memo of Understanding (MOU) with OGSD to assist with our substitute shortage for the 2018-2019 year. Must be reevaluated every year.

Memo of Understanding

STATUS:Resolved (Grievance Team is continuing to monitor this situation)

Please contact me, Maripaz Berlin  at for any questions or concerns, or Bob Prola, at