Community Noticeboard
Mount St Joseph Girls' College
CLICK HERE for information on School Tours and Open Mornings.
CLICK HERE to read the latest newsletters.
Emmanuel College
Congratulations to the outstanding group of senior students commissioned, at the College assembly, as College Leaders for 2020. They provided powerful reflections on how the Marianist identity of the College informs their leadership in committing to their roles of service. It was also exciting to welcome, to our recent information evening, the parents of our 2020 Year 7s – the Class of 2025!
Best wishes to our Year 9s as they embark on their Outdoor Education and Life to the Full Camps, to our Year 12s as they take their final exams and to our Year 11s and 10s as they approach their final week of revision for their upcoming exams.
On Monday 11 Nov, Year 9 students prepared and led Remembrance Day commemorative services for each class across the College. These services, which were conducted in a respectful and reflective manner, were the result of Year 9 students’ detailed research about the conflict, supported by strong peer collaboration and communication, and the understanding they gained both of the horrors of war and the capacity of the human spirit.
For more information regarding Open Days and School Tours please CLICK HERE.
CLICK HERE to read latest Emmanuel College newsletter.
Outside of School Hours (OSH) care (Before and After School Care) is provided by OSHclub, on site at Queen of Peace Primary School. Children must be pre-registered on line to attend. More information can be found by clicking this link OSHclub . Many families are eligible for Child Care Subsidy, which reduces the out of pocket cost of outside school hours care. To establish what level of CCS you may be entitled to please contact the Centrelink Family Assistance Office on 13 61 50.
OSH at QoP Program 0421 287 254
OSH Head Office 8564 9000
Cancellations: 48 hours' notice is required for cancellation of a Before or After School booking.
Cancellations can only be made through the following means:
- Online - Log into your account at
- Phone - Contact the customer service and billing team on 1300 395 735
- Text - SMS the Coordinator of the program on 0421 287 254 and include all details: child's name, date and session you wish to cancel.
West Welcome Wagon
Williamstown Church of Christ is a collection point for the West Welcome Wagon - everything that is donated is given to refugee families.
Collection from 7/11/19 - 1/12/19 between 9:30am - 3:00pm each Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at Williamstown Church of Christ, corner of Douglas Parade and John Street.
There will also be opportunity on Saturday 30/11/19 from 9am-12pm and Sunday 1/12/19 from 9:30am-1pm. On the Sunday there will also be a BBQ, kids face painting and games from 11:30am and a primary aged kids' program from 10:30am.
Any item in good condition is welcome: food, clothing, Christmas gifts, financial support, household items, sporting goods, etc. All proceeds goes to the West Welcome Wagon. Contact Williamstown Church of Christ for more information.