Year 7 Camp

Thank you to the 108 amazing year 7 students and the 10 fabulous staff members who came along to the Campse Downs camp last week. It was very chilly and windy, but that didn’t stop everyone from having a great time. Personally, the best thing about camp for me was seeing students from all different home groups connect with one another and form new friendships. All students showed an incredible amount of resilience, particularly when faced with challenges and fears at the activities. I am very proud of you all
Ms Stacey
Campse Downs – Student Reflections
The best thing about camp was the activities because there was a variety of them, such as the giant swing, canoeing, abseiling, low ropes, team challenges, initiatives and orienteering. I made new friends at camp and this occurred because I was in an activity group where I didn’t know anyone besides two people from my Home group. Throughout the camp, I noticed that my teamwork and creative thinking skills were building. I was challenged on camp with the tennis ball and pipe game within the initiatives because this required a lot of focus, speed and teamwork.
I would rate the Campse Downs Camp an 8.5 out of 10.
By Sulyn WardThe best thing about camp was either the Giant swing or Abseiling because they were scary and got my heart racing, I would defiantly do those two activities again. At camp I was challenged because I am scared of heights and there were some very scary activities, but that didn’t stop me from trying all of the activities. At camp I learned that I actually really like activities to do with heights, although I’m still scared of heights I still really enjoyed them.Overall I did enjoy this camp and would rate Camp Campse Downs a 7/10.
By Heidi Chalmers-Evans
The best thing about camp was the giant swing because this is the first time I have been on a giant swing that can hold 2 people at a time. This meant that I had the chance to do it with a friend. What also made this activity fun was the fact that it was on top a big hill, and when I was being pulled up to the top of the swing, I had a beautiful view of the trees and hillside. This also meant it was more thrilling when I got released, because it looked even higher than it was. The shock of the cold breeze when I suddenly got released, just made me want to do it over and over again!
By Imogen Wells
I was challenged on Year 7 camp, as I didn’t want to go on the giant swing at first because of how high it was. I was also challenged at the rock climbing wall because I thought I couldn’t climb very high, due to recent experiences.The best thing about camp was that I made new friends and my cabin group became a lot closer. Reflecting on camp, I didn’t think I was as brave as I now know I am.
I would rate the camp an 8 out of 10.
By Taylah Ralston