Alumni News

An eye-opener for MFG students
Last week public high school students got an insider's view of Ernst and Young (EY) when they attended an Ourschool Industry Insights session. Students from 13 Ourschool partner schools visited the EY Melbourne offices for the event (including 10 Year 11 MFG students) while several partner schools tuned in remotely via livestream.
Students took part in a Q&A and break-out groups with EY employees who hail from public high schools. Each panellist represented a different department at EY, such as finance, climate change and sustainability, and real estate. The alumni spoke about their career pathways, what their role entails, advice on getting a foot in the door and skills required to succeed in a global professional services firm.,
“It was eye-opening and made me think of my pathway differently. I never would have considered business as a pathway but seeing others so happy in that field has definitely made me consider this pathway.” - Teagan, MFG student.
Thank you to EY and our guest speakers for an inspiring session: Jodi Bastian, Olivia Davis, Matthew Harter, Sam Pritchard, Caitlin Stewart and Christina Yakovlev.
Tanja Dunat
Alumni Coordinator