Important School Dates

Please note the following key dates for Term 3, 2022:
Friday 24th June | Last day Term 2 – Finish 2.30pm |
Monday 11th July | First Day Term 3 |
Mon 11th – Fri 15th July | Expo Week – Subject presentations (year 9 & 10) |
Tuesday 12th July | Senior Basketball |
Monday 18th July | Inter Netball and Inter Badminton |
Tuesday 19th July | Year 10 Pathways Interviews (9am – 7pm) @ MFG |
Thursday 21st July | Senior Netball, Senior Badminton and 9-12 Soccer |
Friday 29th July | Year 8 Subject selection closes |
Monday 1st August | 7-8 Hockey |
Wednesday 3rd August | All subject selections due by today (Years 9,10,11) for 2023 |
Monday 8th August | 7-8 Basketball, Table Tennis and Volleyball |
Thursday 11th August | PPD day for all staff – Student Free Day |
Tuesday 16th August | MAADD Day |
Tuesday 30th August | Parent-Teacher-Student Learning Conferences (12-7pm) |
Thursday 15th September | WMR Athletics |
Friday 1st October | Last Day Term 3 – Finish at 2.30pm |
Damien Toussaint
Assistant Principal, Learning and Teaching