Year 12 Environmental Science
The Year 12 Environmental Science class visited Black Rock Water Reclamation Plant to learn all about how their business continues to improve regarding sustainability and how it links in with the idea of a circular economy. It was a bit smelly, and Jess may have lost her pen into the aerating pool of sewage, but we all learnt lots!
“Fernando’s passion was inspiring. Made me think about working in this type of field. It was so interesting and so relevant to our learning in Enviro right now. Some of us actually wanted to stay longer because it would have been interesting to see what happens in the Bio Solids building” – Cleo
“I went home and talked about it all to my family…#fatbergs…I kept talking about it over dinner until they all told me to be quiet!” – Alyssa
“A really educational tour that linked so well with our learning right now about sustainable development and circular economy” - Rhianna
Joanne Toone