Debating News

Debating Dream Team
The school debating team were in a tricky situation last week. A tough gig to start out with was made worse by the secret topic and a last minute, Covid induced, change to zoom.
Yeah we could be at home in the warm so not driving around in the dark and rain heading to enemy territory, but we were being asked to argue against tobacco reforms. Yep AGAINST life saving reforms.
Can you think of good reasons to allow more smokers to start? Can you think of a cohesive argument in an hour with five people in a zoom meeting trying to brainstorm, research and share the points around the three speakers?
We had too, because were up against the Geelong Grammar Club and we don’t give up no matter how deep into the learning pit we have fallen. We always find a ladder or a rope or a transporter beam.
So we shared a google doc, got our heads around the issues and wrote speeches. We charged home to win our second debate. We used smart ideas, evidence, wit and charm to win.
“Skill, dexterity and thorough knowledge of the game”, as my judo instructor used to say, before I sent him over my head in a quick tomoe nage.
So Matilda Messer won speaker of the night, Radhika Pandit and Gemma Ellis were the other debating dream team speakers and Thoorigai Murugan supported us this time while Ms H was cheering us on.
Linda Harris