14-27 School News 

Middle and Secondary 

Upper Middles

Students have been enjoying the SEDA sports clinic Thursday 21/7. SEDA students helped our students learn football and basketball skills. They enjoyed a variety of tasks that focused on skills such as handballing, dribbling, shooting and kicking. Students were very happy to take part in this sports clinic. It has been good to have clinics and incursions return to Jacana after two years of Covid restrictions. 


Students have been busy in the classrooms learning about maths concepts. Room 15 has been enjoying learning about money. It was great to go and visit their morning circle the other day and to see how the students independently run this session. Tala does an amazing job of asking each of the students how they are feeling, what they ate for breakfast and what they are looking forward to in the day. Students use their preferred communication method to answer these questions. 


Middles took part in a music incursion this week. Students enjoyed singing and dancing with the presenters. Some of the students enjoyed the animal dances like the spider dance. 


Students in Room 14 have been looking at different maths games to play and to reinforce some of their maths knowledge. A favourite in their quiet time is card solitaire. The class have been trying to beat each other in completing it as quickly as possible. So far the fastest time goes to Will. I went in this week to have a try but I wasn’t successful, I will just have to keep practising at home. The maths games are a great way to get our students thinking about maths strategies and warming up their brains for the maths session. Students really enjoy these games. 



Hands-on Learning Café and Build have started again this semester with Rooms 25 and 26 taking part in build and 22 and 24 taking part in the Café program. 'Build' is learning skills to make bird baths, mosaic stepping stones and bug hotels. Students learn to use a variety of tools safely. In the Café the students are learning the different processes that will be needed to run the canteen program next term. They learn how to tally the order, cook the food, deliver the food and then clean up the kitchen. 


VET students had their final visit to Kangan TAFE and Hume Valley. This program is an amazing opportunity for our students. Students really enjoyed visiting Kangan and Hume Valley each week to complete their courses. Thank you to Karen Glare and the staff who have supported these students each week to ensure that this program has been able to go ahead. 




Room 19