Rooms 1-13 School News

Primary and Middles Years

Rachael Macmillan
Rachael Macmillan

The students in Rooms 1 -13  returned after the holidays very happy to be back at school.  For many of our students, the routines of school are very reassuring and calming.  School is also the place where we see familiar faces of other children and staff, and engage in some favourite activities.


Some fun activities have included trampoline time, board games, making stick puppets, building towers with blocks, watering the vegetable garden, completing puzzles and the big favourite- having a jump and a play in the OT Room.  


I would like to remind parents and carers that while the weather is so cold, we still play outside unless it is raining. Please ensure your child has a warm jacket and beanie to wear outdoors at school. It is also a time when a set of spare clothes are needed at school for times when there are puddles in the playground.  All of these items need to be labelled with your child's name on them.  


Room 9

Term 3, Great to see the students back at school engaged in all learning areas and working towards achieving their personal learning goals. Students continue to develop their skills in numeracy and literacy tasks but really enjoy the hands-on learning activities in maths like measuring and weighing items using scales. Students also enjoy hands on learning like cooking and gardening, where they like planting plants or seeds to grow vegetables in the garden. Ajit and Alex are doing well in their inclusion program with their mainstream school, well done. 


Room 10


M10 time with SEDA students 

The SEDA student group came to help the Middle Year classes play Soccer, Cricket, Basketball and Football. The students in Room 10 enjoyed playing the games or practising the skills of the games.


Hymn liked kicking the football through the goals. Lucas kicked the football too. John was a goalie in the Soccer game. He kicked the ball and sometimes he threw it back into play. Bilal played Soccer and he kicked the ball through the goal and passed it to his team mates. Michael played Soccer and kicked a goal and passed it to others. Michael had fun. Dimitri helped kick the ball back for the game of Soccer to continue. Jaafer played Basketball first and then he kicked the football on the oval. All the students enjoyed being there.