Facilities News 

Dr Denise Clarke              Frances Hansen

Capital Works Manager     Facilities Manager

Capital Works Report

The cost of the tender for the new building has been at least 25% higher than anticipated. Consequently, changes have had to be made so that the project will be completed. 


The size of the building has been reduced by removing personal learning areas - kitchen, bedroom and laundry. Also removed is the new set of toilets.  The toilets near the art room will remain operational for access from the new building. 


Plans for landscaping have been reduced to a simpler and less expensive plan. 

There will be some other lower-level reductions however the integrity of the main areas of the building  - gym, canteen and music room will stay intact.  


The successful builder has not yet been determined so we look forward to the announcement in the coming weeks.


Facilities Managers Report

After a long delay with our order some new outdoor tables and bench, sets have arrived to provide more Covid-Safe outdoor learning spaces for students and lunch spaces for staff. 

One table is in the middle school area and another is in the secondary garden near the trampoline. With these additional options, students and staff should feel safer in the school.