
Principal News Flash 

(Curriculum, Assessment & Reporting

Daniel Moloney

Hi everyone!

Welcome back to school in Term 3! No doubt all parents are keen for their children to re-establish their routines for school once more. Our short list of updates include the following:


Term 3 SSGs

We have a new process when booking SSGs in Term 3 via XUNO.

All parents/carers will have received both an email and letter in their child's diary to show you how to log in by clicking the 'Parent Interviews' tab on your parent home page. 


Teachers have allocated their available times.


You simply need to:

  • Step 1:  Select one of those times to confirm when you meet with your child's teacher. 
  • Step 2: Inform your child's teacher whether you would like to meet either in person/via WebEx/over the phonein your child's communication book. That way, all parties are on the same page and able to plan ahead if need be. 
  • Step 3: If you experience any difficulties, please contact either Lauren or Julie in the office to support you through this new process.


JSA Website Upgrade

I don't know if you have noticed but our JSA Website has been given a fresh upgrade with new:

  • colourful and family-friendly formatting
  • current photography of our school community
  • multilingual tab to automatically fully translate our website content into a range of languages representative of our school community.

The view of our web browser and via mobile devices has been scrutinised to ensure that all information can be accessed either way.


Here is the link:

Semester 2 PLSPs

For the next 5 weeks, our teachers are currently working hard to complete our ABLES assessments that include monitoring each child's progress in English, mathematics, personal and social capabilities and physical movement. 


Using these assessment results and other data from Semester 1, our teachers will review your child's PLSP goals for Semester 2. All Semester 2 PLSP plans will be forwarded to you at the end of Term 3. A new and more detailed PLSP format will be something for our parents to look forward to.