Assistant Principal News Flash (Excellence in Teaching and Learning)  










Stephanie Di Salvo

A warm welcome back to all students, parents/carers, staff and community members to Term 3. It has been wonderful to see our students enthusiastically return to school; engaging with familiar friends and staff and settling back into their regular school routines.  


Please note, if you would like to discuss your child's learning or well-being needs throughout the term, please do not hesitate to contact your child's classroom teacher or Sub-School Leader to arrange a meeting. 


I wish you all a very happy and safe Term 3 ahead. 



Student Timetables

You can access your child's daily timetable on Xuno. This means that you can view all classroom and specialist classes, so that you are aware of the classes your child attends each day. You can do this by clicking on 'Timetables' on the Xuno Dashboard. 


Xuno can be accessed on any mobile phone, tablet or computer device. You simply need to download the 'Xuno Family' app and register. 


If you require any support in accessing Xuno onto your device, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on: 9309 6258. 

Student Wellbeing

The Department of Education (DET) has provided some tips and resources for parents and carers to refer to, and support their child’s mental and physical health and wellbeing.


The attached document provides a range of well-being activities and conversation starters for parents of primary school-aged children. They are a guide for parents/carers to follow, which allows flexibility in adapting and modifying them to suit your child's learning styles and needs.