Notizie Italiane
Buongiorno a tutti!
We would like to acknowledge the winners for our Semester Italian Awards. These awards are presented based on the number of pegs students have earned over the semester in Italian classes. Pegs are given when students participate and have a go in class, and when they spontaneously use Italian.
Here are the award winners in each class for Semester One:
- Prep: Hugh, Jane, Anamika, Alessia, Evie
- 1/2RB: Harry, Jayde, Jeremy, Alexander, Ayaan, Isabella
- 1/2L: Harvey, Elizabeth, Rory, Oscar, Macy
- 3/4A: Libby, Noah S, Mason, Matilda, Alice, Tom
- 3/4S: Harry, Max, Violet, Sharni, Noah D
- 5/6K: Emily, Joe, Louis, Kai, Seth
- 5/6A: Eloise, Sarah, Jess, Jaime, Georgiana
Complimenti a tutti! These students will be acknowledged at next Monday’s assembly.
We would like to encourage everyone to participate and have a go as much as possible during Italian lessons and also to try to use Italian in other classes too.
Congratulations also to the teachers for winning Bandi for the final week of last term! Bandi is awarded to the class which scores the highest number of uses of the Italian word/s of the week. The Italian words we were all practising that week were: Signor, Signora, Signorina.
Do you know what this week’s word of the week is?
Signora Chesterman, Signorina Liv and the Italian Leaders, Indi and Jacob