
Welcome back to Term 3 

I hope the holidays were filled with lots of happy times that supported your wellbeing and opportunities for your children. I have enjoyed chatting to many children as they share their holiday memories.

I met with our Wellbeing leaders yesterday with a few extra children who accepted the invitation to join us to share their ideas for Term 3 at OLHC. The outcome of this meeting is for the leaders to visit and discuss with their chosen classes fundraising opportunities for the organisation ‘Pets of the Homeless’. Pets of the Homeless has a mission to keep vulnerable people and their pets together. They believe that nothing should come between a loving owner and their pet.  The Wellbeing leaders totally agree with this mission. I look forward to their feedback as they speak with their chosen classes. We will share this in the coming weeks.

This term during our Respectful Relationships Units also know as SEL (Social Emotional Learning) the focus for each class will be on the following:



Stress Management & Help Seeking



Children and young people experience a range of personal, social and work-related stressors in their everyday lives. Activities within this topic have an explicit focus on teaching positive approaches to stress management. Assisting students to recognise their personal signs and symptoms of stress, and to develop strategies that will help them to deal with stress effectively, will help students cope with future challenges. The activities focus on the ways in which self-calming strategies can be used to manage stressful situations. 



Learning activities in this topic area are designed to help students discuss the importance of seeking help and providing peer support when dealing with problems that are too big to solve alone. This helps to normalise and destigmatise help-seeking behaviour. Scenario-based activities help students identify situations in which help should be sought, identify trusted sources of help, and practice seeking help from peers and adults. .  


Year 1-6

Positive Coping



Learning activities in this topic provide opportunities for students to identify and discuss different types of coping strategies. When children and young people develop a language around coping, they are more likely to be able to understand and deliberately utilise a range of productive coping strategies and diminish their use of unproductive coping strategies. Students learn to extend their repertoire of coping strategies and benefit from critically reflecting on their own choices and being exposed to alternative options. Activities introduce students to the concept of self-talk and practise using positive self-talk to approach and manage challenging situations. Positive self-talk is a key strategy for coping with negative thoughts, emotions and events. It is associated with greater persistence in the face of challenge, and can be learnt or strengthened through practise.


When is it okay to introduce children to social media?



Parent Zone newsletter link https://www.anglicarevic.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/ParentNewsEast_-Term-3_2022.pdf



Enjoy a happy week!



Learning Diversity & Wellbeing Leader