Connect after the bell

Connect After the Bell successfully returned this term! We had an influx of students attending this program after school from 2:55 - 4:00 pm in the school library on both Wednesdays and Thursdays. 


The Connect After the Bell program plays a pivotal role in supporting student learning beyond the classroom. It is operated by experienced teachers across different faculties, who assist students with their homework, assessment tasks and study. 


The Connect After the Bell program is particularly beneficial as it helps students to build necessary skills including improved critical thinking, organisation and study habits, ultimately guiding them to become independent learners.

Keep an eye out for details regarding Connect After the Bell for Term 2. 


We look forward to assisting more students. 


Ninowy Tiary, Priya Kumar, Mirna Khoshaba and Lily Nguyen

Connect After the Bell Co-ordinators